What is the dominant religion in the USA? Is it true that members of congress must take their oath on a bible?

Somia, Faculty of Commerce, Al Azhar University


  1. I'd say Christianity plays a large role in the US, but it is not the only religion. My aunt, who is Jewish, was allowed to take her oath in court on a Torah. I've heard that the book used to swear someone in must reflect their religion, thus a bible, or Torah, or Koran could be used.

  2. I'd say that the most common or dominant religions in the US are the Protestant forms of Christianity. Sometimes people talk about WASPs (White - AngloSaxon - Protestants) as the sterotypical American.

    But, though most people who claim a religion would claim one of the Protestant denominations, the country itself is quite secular. (It depends a little bit what part of the country your in.)

    People tend not to talk about religion in school or at work, do not pray in public, etc. It is politically correct to have a "Winter Break" rather than a "Christmas Vacation." People who belong to religious minorities appreciate not being excluded, and for devout Christians, I think private religious devotion is often seen as more sincere.

    Tara Bates
    Monterey, CA

  3. Secular Humanism is the religion that dominates the United Stated now. Fifty years ago, Protestant Christianity dominated America, and the establishment of our country was heavily influenced by the Christian faith. The changes in our country came from an educational system that has been influenced by secular humanism since the beginning of the twentieth century. The founding of our nation was predicated on principles of individual libery and freedom from any laws requiring membership or belief in any religion. Before we became a nation, people came here who were fleeing from religious persecution in other countries. Therefore freedom of religion was primal motivation for our formation and remains today, a vital part of who we are as a nation.
    Someone who is not a fundamental or evangelical Christian as I am might disagree with my analysis, but that is likely because they have denied the true meaning of the Bible and what it means to be a Christian.
    Currently, we have one Muslim who is a US congressional representative, and he was sworn in by laying his hand on the Qur'an.
