What is the meaning of worship in your religion?

Ibrahim, Faculty of Science (Chemistry), Al Azhar University


  1. Although I do not attend church regularly, I did as a child. Worship means to follow a prescribed service where a priest leads prayers, songs are sung, and communion (the body and blood of Christ represented by bread and wine)is often given.

  2. In my religion, we attend church every Sunday morning for three hours. This includes one hour where we all meet together to sing, take the sacrament (like what Sansa describe in her message, but with bread and water instead of wine) and listen to someone speak about a religious theme; and then two one-hour classes where we study the Bible and other religious topics.

    But I think worship is more than that. For me, worship means that I am aware of God in my everyday life. For example, there is a jasmine bush near my office and every time I walk past it, I am reminded of God's creations.

    I think that worship is more of an attitude or awareness than a social gathering or religious organization.

