We have charity every year that is taken from the rich and given to the poor, what do you have for helping poor people in your country?

Khaled, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Al Azhar University


  1. I'd like to tell you what my particular religion does to help poor people. I am a Christian, my sect is called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The first Sunday of every month we fast for 24 hours, then we give the money we would have spent on food to the church which distributes it all over the world. We also have projects like apple orchards, wheat farms, dairies,and canneries that are all run by volunteers. We offer our time to go work in these places and then the food and products are distributed to those who need them. If someone is out of work, they can get the things they need, and usually they give time to work in those places to help. I think a system like this would help my whole country.

  2. We have charity organizations and we have social services, but I think Americans in general have lost that moral principle that they should give of themselves to help those in need.

  3. Thank you Bonnie and Elizabeth .
    Yes, helping poor is a great thing It is also a clear sign indicates the right faith.
    As you know all people love their money and when they give it to help poor people only to oby God it will be a clear sign .
    In Islam there are tow kinds of charity one of them is obligatory .when anyonr has over a certain amount of the wealth or the possestions ,he must pay certain money to the poor
    and another kind which is allowed to any one to give and help people every day to thank God about all what He has given to us .
